Saturday, October 10, 2009

Our Thanks Offerings to God

May the words of my mouth and the meditations of all our hearts be acceptable in your sight, O Lord, our Rock and our Redeemer. Amen.

Happy thanksgiving everyone. Today we give thanks to God for all of the gifts that he has given to us. I’m going to need lots of help from you today because we are all giving thanks today.

First, what are some examples of things to give thanks for?
- children
- food
- harvest

(Full list from the parish to come).

In just a moment I am going to hand out pencils and paper. On each piece of paper write down or draw one thing that you are thankful for. There should be plenty of paper. These are called thanks offerings. In a little while, we will collect them and offer them to God. Once you have written your own thanks offerings, please look to see if there is someone that you can help write theirs.

(Time passes)

(Place thanksgivings on the altar)

Please turn to page 860 in your Book of Alternative Services. We will say psalm 111 together as a prayer (please say every line).

(Read psalm prayer to follow).

The List From Our Parish:

- A Free Country
- A Place to Live in Relative Peace
- Ability to Assist in a Church Related Activity
- Ability to Provide Food For My Family
- Ability to Work
- Able to Be Here
- Abundance
- Air
- Air Conditioning
- All God’s creatures
- All of God’s Gifts
- An Interesting Life
- Animals
- Apples
- Balls
- Bananas
- Beauty
- Beets
- Being Canadian
- Best Friend
- Bird Song
- Birds (best guess)
- Books
- Canada
- Cars and Trucks
- Children
- Christian Life
- Church
- Clothing
- Coffee
- Coming Home For Thanksgiving
- Community
- Computer
- Cousins
- Culture
- Dirt bike
- Doctors
- Doggy
- Education
- Electricity
- Enough
- Every Day We Can Help Our Family
- Everything
- Eyesight
- Faith
- Fall Leaves
- Family
- Farmers
- Flowers (best guess)
- Food
- Freedom
- Freedom of Religion
- Freedom of Speech
- Freedom to Worship
- Friends
- Fun
- Games
- Gas
- God
- God’s Blessings
- God’s Gifts
- Good Fortune
- Grandchildren
- Grandparents
- Gravy
- Green Food
- Hair
- Happiness
- Harvest (land and sea)
- Health
- Health Care
- Heat
- Help Controlling Anger
- Higher Power
- Highland Manor
- Holidays
- Home
- Hope
- Husband
- Ingonish
- Jesus
- Job
- Kind Things We Do For Others
- Knowledge
- Laughter
- Life
- Lots of Other Things
- Love
- Love of God
- Love of Music
- Love of Others
- Ministry
- Money
- Moose
- Movies
- Music
- Myself
- Nature
- Neighbours
- Nephews
- Nieces
- Not Being In A Place Struck By Disasters
- Not Having to Choose Between Groceries and Rent
- Nurses
- Opportunity to Live Here
- Our Hospitals
- Parents
- Peace
- Pears
- Pets
- Pharmacy
- Pie
- Planet
- Plants
- Plenty
- Prayers that have been answered in times of sickness
- Pumpkins (Jack-o-lanterns)
- Quiet
- Rain for our Gardens
- Rainbows
- Relationship with God
- Religion
- Rev. Warren
- Rev. Warren’s Family
- Rev. Warren’s Voice
- Right to Move Around Freely
- Right to Vote
- Safe Fishing Season
- Saturday Mornings
- Scholarships
- School
- Serving the Lord
- Sewers or Servers (both good choices)
- Shelter
- Siblings
- Skidoo
- Smell of Salt Air
- Smiles
- Snow
- Snowmen (maybe)
- Soap
- Specific people (various)
- Spiritual Gifts
- St. Andrew’s
- St. John’s
- Strength
- Sunrise
- Sunset
- Sunshine
- Teeth
- Television (best guess)
- The Promise of the Second Coming
- This Beautiful Country
- Those who decorated the Church
- Time Spent With Loved Ones Now Gone
- Toys
- Trees
- Turkey
- Understanding
- Vet
- Warm Home
- Water
- Wealth
- Wheels
- Wife
- Windows
- Wood
- Wrench

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