Monday, November 16, 2009

Rev. Carl Speaks

“I was provoked ...” Yup, earlier this week ... story of the car/garbage. It proviked a very ... pause ... uncharitable - yes, that’s the word - response from me! Mayor John Morgan ... was asked some questions in an interview ... now he’s facing trouble with the bar because of his reponses. Was he provoked? My wife told me the story of lady whose face and hands were torn off in an chimpaneze attack ... Oprah had her on ... questions like surely the chimp was provoked? The fact that this poor lady had to hire police to stand outside door ... to keep people from trying to sneak in and get a picture (for money for the tabloid) ... certainly her situation provoked an awfully terrible response - agreed? So, have you ever been ‘provoked’? What does it usually mean when we talk about being provoked? Not my fault, they started it, I have a good excuse from my behaviour ... When we talk of provoked ... is it our best that comes out or our worst? Usually we talk about provoked and worst. But today ... I want to talk to you about the Bible’s understanding of ‘being provoked’.
The first reading from Samuel talks about Hannah. Childless. She wanted a baby so bad. Her predicament ... provoked four different responses. Her rival ... was provoked to taunt her cruelly and rub it in her nose, to never let her forget her ‘failing’. Uhmmm ... pleasing to God? Nope. But Hannah’s husband ... was provoked ... did you hear how he was provoked? He gave her a double share of the sacrifice ... not because he pitied her (pity is not bad) ... but because he loved her and in love he showed her kindness and favour. Pleasing to God? Yes sire. You are smart folks. Then there was Eli the Priest ... he sees her lips moving but no sound ... and is provoked to tell her ... smarten up woman. You’re drunk. Pleasing? Not so much - but who here hasn’t done and math and come up with the wrong answer. But that is not Eli’s final response. Nope. After he listens to her ... he is provoked again to respond ... “Go in Peace ... may God give you what you ask.” Better? Much. But there is in this passage a fourth provocation ... who? God. God is moved by the tears and the prayer and earnest desire and we are told that “the Lord remembered her and in time she conceived and bore a son.” Not just an old son ... but a son who would become great priest and prophet of the Lord. God is provoked ... His response ... the best. Pleasing? Absolutely - for Hannah, for her husband and for God!
So what the point? What insights am I provoking in you? My hope is ... We are all capable and able to give people our best ... even when they act their worst ... we are capable of giving our best. No matter the moment or the situation ... we can choose ... between what is pleasing to God or what is no or even somewhere in between. We have no excuse when it is anything less than pleasing to God. But the Lord remembers us .... blesses us, love us, forgives us, pities us. And so He provokes to keep trying. That is why I think that even when Hannah was provoked severely ... what did she do ... not strike back but year after year ... bore it and brought it before God ultimately. I wonder ... what would have happened if she had been provoked to come before God earlier ... would it have been different? Spared years of suffering and torment? Maybe. How often do we do the same ... carry stuff around ... suffer needlessly before we are finally provoked to bring it to God? I would suggest ... stop waiting. You may not get what you want but you will get an answer and you will know God’s favour. And when you know God favour ... well that leads to our next point.
The reading from Hebrews puts ‘being provoked’ into a whole different light. With confidence ... for He who promised is faithful ... let us consider how to provoke one another to love and good deeds, but encouraging one another. Did you catch that? Our christian duty and the requirement of living for Christ ... is ... provoking others ... (not a licence to dirt disturb, noooo) to provoke to good deeds and love! When you know God’s favour ... you will show God favour ... provoking good from others. So do you know how to push people’s buttons? Oh yes. We are god at that ... well, I am! But are you as good as pushing people’s good buttons? What would it take to for you to be willing and ready to give your best ... then do that for others ... at least try, and try and try. Think about that line ... for the one who promised is faithful ... meaning Jesus/Father ... faithful ... even when we offer worst ... They offer best/blessing/favour. Sooooo did you not promise ... proclaim the good news of Christ in your words and example (BAS)? You Promised!!! The one who promises is faithful ... am I provoking you? I hope! Awhile ago ... people talked about random acts of kindness ... we are not supposed to random in our kindness. We are supposed to be midful and purposeful in our kindness.
Which brings us to our last reading - the gospel. Jesus is provoked ... what set him off? The disciples ... they have come from worshipping God and not even off the steps ... the dsciples turn to worshipping the big stones (the building). Wow! I wonder if Jesus response is so strong because the disciples response in worship wasn’t wow, what an awesome God we have (or better, what an awesome God love me). Those disciples ... they are unique right ... we never ‘worship our stones/buildings’?) House and home shows ... the new addiction, the new modern idol! Jesus is provoked ... to encourage them to love ... not the temple but the God who is over it, in it, through out and beyond it. In essence Jesus says ... this will wont be here some day ... what will you worship then - will you still worship God? And the disciples are provoked ... responding ... when (want a sign). Was their response pleasing to Jesus? Not so much. Jesus again tries to provoke them to faithfulness. Forget what else is happening .... it is in God ‘s hands. Jesus provokes the disciples ... stop looking for the sign of kingdom come and be the sign the Kingdom come ... love and good deeds.
May Jesus love provoked you ... renew your commitment to try and try and try to offer people what is pleasing to God. Let whatever the world offers you provoke in you a faith-full response, full of God favour. May God provoke in you the intent each day to provoke from others their best, what is pleasing to God. And finally, may the incredible sacrifice of Jesus provoke in you again incredible gratitude and thanks so much so that you are willing and ready for kingdom come ... kingdom may come in you and through you.

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