Thursday, December 24, 2009

Wrapping It All Up

Could I have all the kids come up here please?

It’s time to light the advent wreath again. How many candles do we light today? Yes, all five. Does anyone remember what the first one stands for? Hope. What colour is it? Purple. (Light hope).

What is hope all about? What does it mean to have hope?
- helps us through bad times
- helps us through fear
- no matter how bad it is, it will get better
- no matter how good it is, it will get better

OK. Does anyone remember what the second candle stands for? Peace. What colour is it? Purple. (Light peace.)

What is peace about? Where can we find peace?
- silence
- our hearts
- the world
- places at war (work toward)
- our families
- our friends
- our enemies

Which candle is next? Joy. What colour is joy? Pink. (Light joy).

Do you remember what we talked about when we first lit this candle? Baptism. Why is baptism about joy?
- God chooses us
- God loves us
- We join a huge family
- We have everyone here to help us keep our promises to God
- We get to help everyone here keep their promises to God

We only have one more candle which we already lit. What is the last purple candle about? Love. (Light love).

Now this one is really important. Well, they all are really, but there is something special about love. Do you know who the Bible tells us to love?
- Our enemies
- Our selves
- God
- Everyone

The Bible tells us something else about love too. It tells us who and what God loves. Can you tell me about God’s loves?
- The world
- Us
- Israel
- Judah
- Creation
- Jesus

We only have one candle left. Does anyone know what the white candle in the middle stands for? Christ. Why do we light this candle today? Christmas. What is Christmas about?
- God loves us so much that he became one of us to experience the world from human perspective
- Giving
- Love
- Hope
- Joy
- Peace

I think this is all something we should celebrate. Let’s say a prayer and light the Christ candle.

Great God of love and light,
We thank you now for the gift
of your presence among us;
for Jesus Christ,
our Light and our Life.
We thank you for the sign of your love
shining brightly in our lives
as we celebrate
the birth of your Son,
our Saviour and our King. Amen.

(Light Christ Candle).

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