Saturday, January 23, 2010

Gifts of the Spirit - The Body of Christ

May the words of my mouth and the meditations of all our hearts be acceptable in your sight, O Lord, our Rock and our Redeemer. Amen.

Today’s lesson from the first letter to the church in Corinth continues Paul’s explanation of spiritual gifts. He talks about how members of the church come from all backgrounds. … Some are rich. Some are poor. Some are Greek. Some are Jews. Some are male. Some are female. … But we are all members of the one body. We are all members of Christ’s church through our baptism.

Just as we all come from different backgrounds, we all bring different skills, talents, and resources with us to Christ’s table. We all contribute to the body of Christ and we all help shape the body of Christ. With the loss of the gifts of any one of us, the body of Christ is reduced. Without any one of us, the ability of the church to do God’s work is made smaller.

As we come closer to our annual meetings, we need to think about what we have to offer. How we can be involved in God’s work through our church. What resources of time, talent and treasure we have that we can return to God. How involved we each want to be in the decision making of the church.

Some of the possibilities are serving on the vestry or parish council, becoming a reader, serving on the altar guild, helping with the Church School, attending the annual meetings, and many more. Another possibility is the Fresh Start program. I’m going to turn the pulpit over to Kelvin who will tell us all more about it. Thank you Kelvin.

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