Saturday, April 17, 2010

Shalom Chaverim - Be Expectant

Last 3 weeks Gospels
- Jesus appears to the disciples
- Unexpected … why? He said he would
- What is it trying to tell us
- Expect to see Jesus
o What does that mean?
o Where do we see Jesus (God)?
- What does it mean to be an image of God?
- Who is an image of God?

Does anyone know the song “Shalom chaverim?”

Do you know what it means?

How does that fit with what we just talked about?

- peace
- between people
- between self and God
- between countries
- completeness
- wellbeing
- health
- safety
- hello / goodbye

- friends

- until we see (each other) again

Let’s learn the song so we can teach it to everyone else.

We’re going to sing it again at the end of the service.

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