Saturday, October 16, 2010

Our Call to DO - And the Reasons Why

May the words of my mouth and the meditations of all our hearts be acceptable in your sight, O Lord, our Rock and our Redeemer. Amen.

For about two months now, I have been talking about Back to Church Sunday.

We’ve talked about the studies which tell us that there are lots of people out there who only need to be invited to church by someone who really wants them to come.

We have talked about the huge success it has been in other churches in our own diocese.

We’ve talked about how it will only work if every single one of us commits to making it work. We all have to believe that there are good reasons to come to church. We all have to want our friends and neighbours to be here.

Well, it’s obvious that you believe that church is important. I got nearly ninety responses about this I they are all thoughtful answers.

I got twenty-three answers telling God and me what you are willing to do to show this to the community. Five of those were from people who were here from other communities.

I hate to say it, but I feel like the widow in our Gospel today. Coming to church is a very good thing, but it is empty if it doesn’t carry past that door. At the end of every service, we are called to go out and share the good news. We are called to go out and act on our beliefs. We are called not to just be but to DO!

For the next few minutes, I would like you to think really hard about what each of you are going to DO to share the good news. I don’t want you to tell me what it is. I just want you to do it.

While you do that, I am going to read a list of reasons why church is important. This list comes to me from a very reliable source.

A sharing of beliefs and talents
An expression of my small part in a greater world
Because I am a sinner
Belong to the church and pray for others
Church gives me a sense of the connectedness of all people
church gives me peace
Church to me is a circle of love, peace and joy
Closeness to God
Earthly good
Everyone could pray anywhere, but I need the feel of church and the people around me
Gathering with the community on a regular basis to share in the common cup
Gives me strength of mind and body
Gives me the spirit
God keeps me coming to church
Going to church gives me a feeling of peace and stability
Going to church makes me feel more a part of our community
Helps comfort me
I am comfortable in church
I am thankful for my family
I believe in God and I like to pray and give thanks to God for everything that he has given us in this world
I come for a sense of community
I come to pray and find it a peaceful place to be with others.
I enjoy being part of a family
I enjoy going to church. It keeps me happy and close to my friends.
I enjoy sermons - able to reflect on their meaning in my life
I enjoy the peace and sense of community it brings
I enjoy the services and the singing.
I enjoy worshiping with friends.
I feel a need to come
I feel at peace when I leave
I feel closer to god and my community
I feel nearer to God and my community
I feel the need occasionally to be with other people at time of prayer
I go to church to gather with others to pray
I go to church to hear the word of God and the prayers.
I keep coming to exercise my love of God in worship
I like to see and hear the lessons that are read and the word of God
I love God my creator
I need church in my life
I need Jesus in my life
I want our children to love church the way I do
I was brought up to go to church
I wish I could see Jesus
If I get up and don't feel like going to church, I talk to myself and say if it was a card game I'd be there, so I go
It begins my week with confidence
It gives me my own beliefs that I can control and cannot be influenced by others
It helps me feel closer to God and to learn more about him
It is a place where everyone gathers and I know I will always see familiar, smiling faces.
It soothes and reassures me
It was God who saved my life from addiction and from congestive heart enlargement
It's our duty
Keeps me whole and fresh
Make me feel good inside
My dad is the priest
My faith in God
My faith is my life
My faith keeps me coming to church
My need for glofifying God
Peace and tranquility
Peace, quiet, connection with God and other people in my community
People feel a need or connection when they go to church
Praise and prayers
Respect for parents and other loved ones that cannot be here
Sense of belonging to a spiritual group
Setting an example for others to come
So many blessings to be thankful for
Spiritual guidance and peace
The chance to be with the family of our Father
The even keel it gives my life
The love and friendship of all
The opportunity to serve in any capacity I am able
To do good for my community
To expand my faith
To find comfort in praying in the presence of other people
To give thanks to God.
To hear the word of God
To help in church and parish life
To hold the community together and meed people
To keep me close to God
To partake in the Lord's Supper (obligation)
To please God and do his will
To pray for family and friends
To share my faith with my church family and to pray for others less fortunate
To worship and feel a sense of closeness with my community
To worship God
To worship God and make me feel great
Worship God who gave up his son for me and my sins

What a wonderful list.

Thanks be to God.

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