Monday, November 8, 2010

Remembrance Day Lament

I speak to you in the name of the one who died so that we might be free. Amen.

How many need to die before we finally get it?

How many need to come home wounded in mind and body?

How many need to sit at home praying that they will see their loved ones again, fearing that every call will be the one bringing news of their death?

Why, O God, do we have to hear over and over again about another soldier lost, more civilian casualties, the ongoing ravages of war?

We are all God’s beloved.

We are all made in God’s own image.

Why can’t we see that in each other?

Why can’t we respect our brothers and sisters?

Why can’t we look for what we have in common?

Why can’t we find joy in exploring our differences?

We give thanks to you, O God, that you hear our lament.

We give thanks to you, our Creator, that you made us in your image.

We give thanks to you, our Redeemer, that you walked among us to share our broken humanity.

We give thanks to you, our Sustainer, that you share our grief and take our fallen into the company of your saints.

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