Saturday, December 11, 2010

Slow Down

May the words of my (our) mouth(s) be acceptable in your sight, O Lord, our Rock and our Redeemer. Amen.

Where has all the time gone?

Before Advent started, Bishop Sue sent a message out to all of the clergy telling us not to plan too much. She told us to make sure that we had time to prepare ourselves for the coming of our Lord. After all, that is what Christmas is really about.

It is not about buying things. It’s not even really about giving presents to our friends and families.

It is about the coming of Jesus Christ into our lives. It is about the coming of Jesus Christ into my life.

Where has all the time gone?

This is supposed to be a time of preparation. It is supposed to be a time when we slow down, when we take a step back and take a good look at our lives.

My last week started as usual with a very busy Sunday. On Monday I had a morning meeting in Truro followed by the AGM for the co-op in the evening. Tuesday – catch up on reading, try to clean my office, Cape Smokey Christmas concert. Wednesday – laundry, the rest of the day is a blur but there was some family time. Thursday – visiting, service preparation, invites for next Sunday, bulletins, vestry meeting and getting a start on this. Friday – meeting in Sydney, celebration of new ministry for Gloria McLure-Fraser. Saturday – visioning session in Ingonish, visiting and finish writing this. Plus finding time for prayer at least twice a day. And now we’re back to Sunday.

Where has all the time gone?

And after all that, I know what I want to talk about today, but all of you are going to have to help me. There just hasn’t been time to put it all together.

With all that we have going on in our lives, how do we find the time to make ourselves ready for the coming of our Lord?

How do we find the time to slow down and take stock of our lives?

Please help me, because I don’t know. All I know for sure is that we need to do it. Even in Jesus’ time someone with as much insight as John the Baptist had trouble being sure that Jesus was the Christ. How, in my overly busy life, am I ever supposed to see what is Christ-like in those around me let alone recognize Christ, himself, when he steps into my life.

The busier my life gets, the more often I think I have to do it alone.

When I get overwhelmed, I forget to ask for help.

I have a feeling that I’m not alone. Is there anyone else here who has that problem?

Who can we ask for help? Who do you turn to when there just isn’t enough time or energy to do everything you need to do?

… (God)

Let us share a repeat after me prayer.

Gracious God,
When life is easy
I forget to give thanks.
When life is busy
I forget to take time for you.
When life is hard
I forget to ask for help.
Please God,
Help me to remember
To look for you in my life.
Help me to remember
To slow down and pray.
Help me to remember
That you are always there to help me.
Help me to be ready
For your birth.

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