Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Ash Wednesday Message - 2012

Let us pray,

Holy and Gracious God, guide us in this season of lent.  Help us to find reflections of you within ourselves and in those around us.  Lead us into the light of your resurrection.  Through Jesus Christ our Lord.  Amen.

Today we begin anew our own road to Emmaus.  We begin anew our pilgrimage to witness the resurrection.  During this season of lent many people will make special efforts to be self sacrificing; giving up something which is dear to them for the season.  Others will take on new disciplines; make new efforts to live the Christian message.  I encourage you to commit yourselves to an effort to live your lives as Christ’s disciples and make a special effort to do this throughout lent.  Some possibilities are daily prayer, both personal and as a family, saying something kind to each person you meet throughout the day, or even bringing your children to church every Sunday in lent.  If you plan to give something up, choose something that pulls you away from Christ.  Taking on such a discipline can help us to enter into the Easter light.

I ask you in this next moment of quiet to make your personal commitment silently to God.

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