Saturday, May 12, 2012

A Mother's Love

I speak to you in the name of the Mother of all creation; the One, True and Living God.  Amen.

“As my Father has loved me, so I love you.  Abide in my love.”

Sounds good, but what does it mean?

How did God show his love for his son, Jesus?  Did God keep Jesus safe?  No.  Did God make sure that Jesus’ life would be easy and productive?  Definitely not.  Did God clear the path for Jesus so that he could reach his goals more easily?  Again … no.

God sent Jesus out into the world to proclaim the good news.  God let Jesus struggle with Satan in the wilderness.  God let Jesus get tired enough that he sought rest in Syrophoenicia.  God did not let him rest there.  God let Jesus trudge from one village to another, often with the authorities mad at him by the time he left.  God let Jesus feel despair on the cross at Calvary.

“As my Father has loved me, so I love you.”

That’s some tough love and that’s what Jesus promised us.  So how is this good news?

Some people believe that God directs every moment of our lives; that we live exactly according to God’s plan.  I don’t believe this.  To me, a god that would do this does not love.  This idea of God makes God into a dictator, not a parent.

I believe that God is much more like a good mother.  God calls to us.  God tries to let us know the best path that we can take.  God does not force us to take that path.  We are free to ignore God’s call.  We are free to turn the wrong way.  When our choices bring us to pain, God does not take them away from us, but God does stay with us while we suffer.  When our choices lead us into danger, God worries about our safety and tries to call us back from the danger.

This is how I understand God’s love.

Everyone here who has been a parent knows about this feeling.  We want so much to protect our children, to keep them from all harm.  I would feel much safer seeing Paul and Rosa go to school in the morning wearing elbow and knee pads and hockey helmets.  It would be great if I could keep them away from knives and stoves forever.  But this wouldn’t be good parenting.  This would be putting them in a kind of a prison.  A good parent is a guide, not a ruler.

Just as we have to allow our children to make their own mistakes, God lets us choose our own path.  Just as we cringe when we watch our children trying to cook for the first time, God watches over us as we make our journey through life.  Just as we cry our own tears when our children get hurt, so God feels the pain of our suffering.

This is the love of a mother or a father for their child.  This is God’s love for us.  Whether we have children or not, most of us can understand this love by thinking about our own parents.

“As my Father has loved me, so I love you.  Abide in my love.”

Do you remember what a comfort it is to feel that love?  When you made a bad choice and your mother or father was there waiting for you to come home?  How they told you it was okay, you would know better next time?

Do you remember the smile you got as your parents tried to eat that meal that even you couldn’t choke down?

Do you remember being held as you cried after something went terribly wrong?

This is God’s love for each of us, every day.  This is the love that Jesus told us to abide in.  This is the love that Jesus promises is there for all who look for it.

By the grace of God this love is ours.

Jesus tells us that we have our own part to play in this love.

“This is my commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you.”

It is our calling as Christians to extend this love to each other.  It is our calling as Christians to try to guide and help each other as we struggle to follow God’s call.  It is our calling as Christians to love one another as we make our mistakes, as we wander into danger, as we cause ourselves and others pain.

It is our calling as Christians to love each person just as if they were our own son or daughter.  No matter what mistakes they make, we are to love them.  No matter how difficult they are to like, we are to love them.  No matter how much pain they cause to themselves or to others, we are to love them.

This does not mean that we have to like what people do.  We all know that some people do awful things.  We have all done awful things ourselves.  But when people accept that what they have done is wrong, we need to be able to accept them back, not as a repentant sinner, but as someone we love.

This is a very difficult calling.  To share the same unconditional love that we feel for our children with everyone.  But this is what Jesus is asking for us to do.

I can’t do it.  I try and some days I do better than others, but I’m not there yet.  I think that when we finally get to the point that everyone on earth can feel this love for everyone else, we will finally reached the Kingdom of God.

In the meantime, we abide in God’s love.  We can rest assured that at the very least, God, our heavenly mother, loves us this way.  And we can give thanks for the love of our own parents, particularly today for the love we have received from our mothers.

Thanks be to God.

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