Sunday, November 4, 2012

Letting Go

I speak to you in the name of the one true and living God; the Alpha and the Omega; our Source and our Sustainer.  Amen.

What does it mean to have visions?

What does it mean to have vision?

Is Martha or Mary the better disciple?

How are they different?

Why do we fear death?  What is it that we fear?

Why do we have such trouble letting go of things that we no longer need?

Why have we all become hoarders?

How do we know when it is time to say goodbye to something that has been important to us; to our parents; to our community?

How do we then acknowledge the tradition it represented?  How do we grieve its passing?  How do we let it go?

There have been so many losses in this community.  In my time here I have buried 29 people and watched as two other members of this parish were buried.  I have seen the death of one legion branch.  I have seen people move away.  I have prayed as the fisheries continue to struggle and the parks cut back; as people lost their jobs.  I have sat with you in this church and its counsels looking at our present struggles and our hope for the future.

How do we know when it is time to let go?  This day, the Feast of All Saints, is a day when we honour those who came before us; when we honour those who have built what we call the church and those who continue to work within and for God through his church.  We honour them when we use what they built to work for God’s purpose here in this community.

All of you have a very difficult task ahead of you.  You are going to have to look at everything you have in this parish and prayerfully ask that question.  Are we using this to honour God?   I expect that sometimes the answer might be “no.  We are just trying to preserve the memory of what it used to mean.”  If that is the answer, it does not honour those who came before and it does not honour God.

I pray that you will have the support you need from God and from the diocese to mourn their loss; to remember their traditions and their meaning to this community; and to let them go so that you can move on worshiping and serving God for generations to come.  Amen.

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