Friday, February 15, 2013

Thoughts on Lent and Baptism

What is shrove Tuesday?
-        Shrove – shrive – confess
-        Mardi Gras – fat Tuesday – give up meat, fat, dairy, fish
o   Use them up before lent
o   Last chance to party

When did lent first get celebrated?
-        4th century
-        Ash Wednesday

What does the word “lent” mean anyway?
-        Spring

What do we do during lent?
-        give things up
o   TV
o   Desert
o   Video games
o   Food – remember, meat, fat dairy, fish

-        do things we usually forget to do
o   pray
o   go to church
o   say grace at meals
o   be nice to people
o   obey our parents

Why do we do this?
-        To show that we can do it ourselves?  (no)
-        To open ourselves to the holy spirit.
-        To show ourselves that we need help
o   Open to the holy spirit
o   We need God
o   Jesus went through everything that we do
§  Birth
§  Death
§  Temptation
§  Eating
§  Sleeping
§  Resurrection
·        Yes we go through that too
Do you remember what baptism means?
-        We are baptised into Christ’s death
-        Our old life dies at baptism
-        We are reborn as members of the Body of Christ
-        Members of the church
-        Resurrection – life

Do you know when you were baptised?
-        Who are your godparents?
-        What are godparents supposed to do?
-        What do we promise in baptism?
-        What do you do to keep those promises?

Repeat after me prayer:

Holy and gracious God,
We come to you on our journey.
Help us in this time of lent
To remember that you are with us.
Help us to remember
To ask you for help.
Help us to remember
That we cannot do it ourselves.
Help us to remember
That we are not alone.
We have chosen
To accept you in our lives.
Help us to remember.

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