Friday, December 21, 2012

A Welcoming People - Advent IV 2012

May the words of my mouth and the meditations of all our hearts be acceptable in your sight, O Lord, our Rock and our Redeemer. Amen.

          Wasn’t the carol service wonderful?

          Thank you to our lay leaders who made it possible.  And thank you to all of the youth who read and made such incredible music.  What a blessing to have so many young people here in our church.  It was such a joy to see so many kids join us in our worship.


          What was wrong with what I just said?

          It was very unwelcoming.  Did it sound that way to you?  Well, let me say it again and listen for it.

          Wasn’t the carol service wonderful?

          Thank you to our lay leaders who made it possible.  And thank you to all of the youth who read and made such incredible music.  What a blessing to have so many young people here in our church.  It was such a joy to see so many kids join us in our worship.


          Did you hear it this time?

          Whose church is it?  Ours – not theirs, but we are glad they are here.  Whose worship is it?  Ours – not theirs, but we are happy to see them.  Who made the service possible?  Our lay leaders – not the kids, but we thank them for doing what we asked them to do.

          It is so easy to think we are being welcoming while what we are doing is exactly the opposite.  When I wrote that “thank you” for the carol service I meant every word of it.  I meant for everyone who was involved to feel appreciated and welcome.  I failed.

          There are lots of things we do in church that make this an unwelcoming place even though that is not what we are trying to do.

          I would like everyone to look around them for a moment.  If someone new were to come to church, where would they have to sit?  Up near the front.  Is that a place you would be comfortable sitting?  How do you think someone who is nervous about being in church in the first place would feel?  What if someone came into church late?  They have a few choices.  They could look inside, turn around and leave.  They could stand at the back.  Or they could walk past everyone and find a seat.  If you didn’t know anyone here which would you do?

          Thinking back to the carol services, I was so happy to see all the children who came.  But I got very confused as the service went on.  We call this a family service.  We say that we are welcoming and open.  I saw a bunch of little people sitting quietly next to their parents or grandparents.  I didn’t see children.  It wasn’t because of anything that anyone was doing during the service.  It was because of something that has been done for a long time.  Those small people were not allowed to be children because their parents were taught that it is not okay to be a child in church even if you are one.  Church is where you are on your best behaviour.  You aren’t supposed to do anything that will call attention to yourself even if you don’t understand what is going on or even worse if you do understand and you’re bored.

          Whose church is this?

          It’s not yours.  It’s not mine.  It’s not theirs.

It is God’s church and we have been called to look after it.

Our feeling welcome and comfortable here should not come at the expense of someone else’s welcome.

So what can we do be more welcoming?

Some things should be easy but they may be a bit uncomfortable.  Earlier I asked you to look at where everyone was sitting.  How could we change that just a bit and make this a much more welcoming place?  How about this: reserve the last one or two pews for latecomers and visitors who may be uncomfortable sitting up near the front.  Don’t worry.  This will still leave you well towards the back of the church.  I’m not asking you to move right up front.

          Another way we can be more welcoming is to choose our words more carefully.  I’m going to go back to the beginning and try to fix what I said.

Wasn’t the carol service wonderful?

Thank you to everyone who helped to make it possible.  What a blessing to have such a beautiful service take place here in this church.  It was such a joy to be able to join in worship with all of our younger members.

Did you hear how that was different?  The service was for and by everyone.  There was no talk of theirs and ours.  There were no hosts and no guests.  This is God’s church.  And in God’s church, there really are no visitors and members.  There may be regulars and people who come less often or even only once, but as the regulars it is our job to make it understood that we don’t guard the door.  We don’t choose who gets to come in and who should stay out.  Everyone has as much of a right and a calling to be here as we do.

And now if you would join me in the Advent Prayer.  I pray that God will help us all during this Advent to hear his call in our lives.  I pray that God will send his spirit upon us so that we may heal the hurts that we have caused and be healed of those hurts that we have received.  I pray that God will open our eyes so that we can see clearly the effects that our actions have upon ourselves, upon those around us, and upon our community.  I pray that we can become a people who look for God’s blessings in our lives and in the lives of those around us and that we can celebrate those blessings as a gift to us all.  And most of all, I pray that all can feel welcome here, surrounded by our love and the love of God.  Amen.

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