Saturday, December 1, 2012

Advent Message (extended version) 2012

May the words of my mouth and the meditations of all our hearts be acceptable in your sight, O Lord, our Rock and our Redeemer. Amen.

Happy New Year!
Today we start a new year in the church calendar.  We start Advent.  But what is Advent all about.
Advent is a time of preparation.  Advent is a time for looking within ourselves and finding a new way forward.  It is a time for new beginnings.  It is a time to challenge ourselves, to push ourselves, to make demands of ourselves which may not be comfortable or easy.
          Each year at Advent, we are called to look deeply at our traditions and practices as members of the Christian family.  What does it mean to be Christians in a world that is no longer dominated by those of our faith?
We are called to look as faithful people who belong to the worldwide Anglican Church.  We are part of a denomination that spreads around the world.  We are a denomination that is currently divided against itself on many issues.  …
We are called to look as part of the Diocese of Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island.  We are part of a diocese that is spread wide over two provinces.  We have to travel nearly six hours to visit our cathedral and close to two hours to visit our nearest neighbours within the diocese, Sydney Mines or North Sydney.  What does it mean to be part of a family whom we almost never see?
We are called to look as people seeking to improve our own community here North of Smokey.  We are asked to look at what we do and decide whether or not it serves us and those who look to us and to the church for care.  What do we have to offer to the community?  And what should we be asking from the community in return?
During Advent we explore the reasons that we come to church.  We ask what it is that God is doing in our lives and how we are called to respond.  We are called to look at what we are doing well and what we could do better.  We are called to explore our mission in this place and what resources we have to accomplish that mission.
          In the time I have been here, I have seen some great things.  I have seen two churches grow together in their ministry.  I have seen a willingness to work together towards a future as a united parish.  I have seen congregations who have come from talking about needing to attract more people, to congregations that have looked at ways to be more welcoming to those who do come, and finally to a parish that is ready to go out and bring news of its ministry directly to those in the community who are affected and ask them if there is more that you could do.  I am so proud of where we have come together.
          There is still work to be done.  I ask you to think this Advent about what it means to be a people who celebrate God’s blessing in our personal lives and in our life as a church.
I ask you to think about what it means to be truly welcoming to the point where it is more important for someone to feel welcome than for you to feel comfortable yourself.
I ask you to think about how having someone share their experience of God’s blessing in their lives could possibly take away from anything that we do together in church in this parish.
And so I ask you to join me this Advent in prayer.  I pray that God will help us all during this Advent to hear his call in our lives.  I pray that God will send his spirit upon us so that we may heal the hurts that we have caused and be healed of those hurts that we have received.  I pray that God will open our eyes so that we can see clearly the effects that our actions have upon ourselves, upon those around us, and upon our community.  I pray that we can become a people who look for God’s blessings in our lives and in the lives of those around us and that we can celebrate those blessings as a gift to us all.  And most of all, I pray that all can feel welcome here, surrounded by our love and the love of God.  Amen.

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